
100m2 of native forest has the potential to sequester 300 kilos of Co2
and produce 220 kilos of oxygen a year.

The benefits of the Miyawaki Method.
  • Rapid growth of up to 10 times the normal rate  is possible.
  • Creation of a dense canopy that leads to huge biodiversity.
  • After 10 years of growth an equivalent 100 year old eco system is possible.
  • A direct benefit to the local environment.
  • Natural organic process that benefits the soil and the environment. The method copies nature.
  • Maintenance free after 2 to 3 years.
  • Long term low costs as no maintenance is  required.
  • Attractive areas of forests created quickly.
The benefits for us and the environment.
  • A forest is able to absorb at least 30 times more pollution than grassland or mono plantations.
  • Airborne pollutants, Co2 emissions and heavy metals can all be be absorbed and transmuted.
  • Large amounts of pure oxygen are created.
  • Regulation of local water levels and atmospheric temperature.
  • A dense canopy can help block harmful electromagnetic radiations.
  • A home for wildlife and animals.
  • A forest eco system is the most diverse, over 100 times more diverse than mono plantations and grasslands.
  • Health benefits of being around a forest are numerous, both physically and mentally.
  • The planting of areas of forest, small and large are vital for our threatened environment and our fragile eco systems.

Wild Urban Spaces